Making or Updating your will

No one knows when their time will be up. It is very important that you have made the necessary arrangements to ensure your wishes are followed in the event of your death. Making and updating your will is an important part of your asset planning strategy and means different things to different people – for young people travelling or moving overseas and leaving property behind, for a couple buying their first home, or young families with the arrival of children, right through to older clients needing help to ensure that their assets acquired over their lifetime are distributed on death appropriately and in accordance with their wishes.

Our team of lawyers can help advise you on your options when drafting your will, your legal obligations to family and partners and assist with putting together a package that fits with your overall asset planning strategy.

All lawyers will tell you that you should have a will and we share this view as not only does it provide clarity for how you want your estate distributed but also provides your loved ones with certainty during the uncertain times following your death.